` Crawford Market, Mumbai| Helifix

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Crawford Market, Mumbai

Project: Crawford Market, Mumbai
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Owner: Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM)
Consultant: Abha Narain Lambah & Associates, Mumbai

Crawford Market is a popular spot for buying all the household items. Whether you are planning on buying vegetables or poultry, then Crawford Market is the place to be. Crawford Market was the main wholesale market till 1966. Spanning around 72000 sq. yards, this market is also famous for its splendid architecture. Norman and Flemish styles can be seen in the architecture, depicting elements of the old-world charm in a modern city.

The Helifix solution

Movements over the period of time and weathering has cracked the structure’s arches with stepped and tapering cracks on the structure. Helifix was approached by the main contractor and asked to provide a remedial solution, with the strict criteria that none of the external stone faces could be drilled. Thus we planned to fulfill this with the following steps:

By using twin HeliBar used in the slots of the masonry, at regular vertical interval, bonded with the HeliBond cementitious grout, deep masonry beam was created to distribute the load over the arched openings equally. · The cracks in the soffit of the arches were stitched using CemTie in diagonal clearance holes with cementitious, HeliBond, grout.

Crack stitching, using HeliBar bonded into the masonry, overcame considerable cracking on most elevations. · The cracks have been filled with CrackBond TE. The concealed Helifix repairs stabilised much of the main structure while retaining the original masonry. Once all other structural repairs and roof work were completed, internal renovations fully restored these fine period buildings.